Reablement and Wellbeing Centre

Headway Bristol’s Reablement & Wellbeing Centre is a safe and supportive environment which enables individuals to practice or re-learn skills that may have been affected after a brain injury.

We aim to support individuals who have sustained a brain injured to achieve their goals by improving their self-esteem, so they can start to feel more confident about dealing with their brain injury. Activities are developed around the interests, abilities and needs of those attending and support is given by staff and volunteers to enable service users to relearn old skills and acquire new ones. Activities include arts and crafts, cookery, health and fitness, cognitive activities, gardening, places of interest, courses, and talks.

It may not always be immediately apparent what the benefits are from the various activities. Many activities require cognitive skills including concentration, memory, information processing, forward planning, and understanding commands or instructions; physical skills such as co-ordination and balance are required for others; and throughout all activities, social skills are developed, including recognising other people’s needs, taking turns, listening, and making yourself understood. These are all skills we take for granted but can be lost after brain injury.

Adults aged 18 and over with a brain injury, who meet our criteria and who live in Bristol, South Glos, North or Northeast Somerset, can attend Headway Day Centres. Places can be self-funded or paid for by the PCT or local authority through personal budgets or direct payments. If you are interested in attending Headway or know somebody who would benefit from our services, you can contact the Day centre Manager on 0117 414 3222.

To Access this service the individual would need to have an assessment of care needs via local authority and to establish funding, alternatively if an individual wised to access this service they may do so on a private contract, whereby we carry out our own assent of needs and the individual would pay direct the cost for this service is £75