We offer a variety of services for carers – which can be accessed as much or as little as needed. Carers can dip in and out as their needs change. It may be that Headway Bristol does not actually deliver all these services itself – but can signpost and refer to other relevant and appropriate organisations. If a carer is receiving positive support, they will be gaining the skills, knowledge, and strength they need to cope with the changes in their family. This in turn will have a positive effect on the person with the brain injury. And just taking the time out for themselves will on its own act as respite. This is a free of charge service.
Our Services are:
- · Crisis advice & support – People can come to our Centre for information and resources or book a one-to-one appointment. Alternatively, we can visit people on hospital wards, or in their homes.
- · Signposting and onward referral to other appropriate organisations.
- · Information & Resources.
- · One-to-one support – telephone, or face-to-face.
- · Attend our monthly Drop-in Groups every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm -9pm
- · Support with Independent Living.
- · Providing invaluable respite for families and carers of people with brain injury.